Book reviews

More reviewsby Gary ***** 5 stars
I should state at the outset that I believe there is no greater cure for Catholicism than a Catholic education. While I have encountered some decent and honorable members of the clergy, they have been far overshadowed by the disappointing, the unpleasant, and the completely shameful. J. Tony Cronin’s book Reflections of a Catholic Altar Boy is focused as much on answering the author’s questions as it is on the readers. His book-by-book analysis of the Bible allows one to agree or disagree with his conclusions because the tone is instructive and about enlightenment, rather than dogmatic. One gets the feeling that the author rejoices in you having an opinion, irrespective of whether it is the same as his. He simply wants you to be thinking. The author points out that ideas such as Heaven and Satan appear as rather late additions to the Bible. Not to mention the dramatic personality change in God from the Old to the New Testament. The book highlights the difficulty in relating the teachings of Jesus to the harsh brutality of God in the Old Testament – there are certainly contradictions. It is a wonderful irony that the author has clearly spent considerable time studying and researching the Bible, the result of which is a confirmation of his atheism. This book is a must-read for anyone who went through the Catholic education systems throughout the world, but many others will find it raises questions and issues worthy of contemplation. A job well done, Mr. Cronin. Highly recommended!

by Roger MacGibbon ***** 5 stars

I found J Cronin’s “Reflections of a Catholic Altar Boy” a methodical, detailed, and from my point of view objective analysis of what the bible, in reality, tells us. He has structured his investigation in such a way that makes it easily accessible for the general public to understand and appreciate what he has done, an avenue for those not well-versed in biblical teachings to explore. The approach of summarising each book of the Old and New Testaments in detail, but then providing a concise bold text overview of the more relevant/interesting elements is clever, and his conversational style, combined with amusing, ironic, and wry observations adds an enjoyable element to the discussion. His account of personal experiences, and what it means for him going forward, provides authenticity and emotional gravitas to the text with which I empathise. The idea of seeing himself as a juror and putting the bible “on trial” is inspired and helps the reader feels that there is no agenda here and that this book is a genuine attempt to really understand the text upon which so many have based their spiritual beliefs. Alas, for many of those believers, this book may prove a pivotal turning point, or at least provoke some in-depth reflections of their own. A thought-provoking, stimulating, and at times entertaining read. Highly recommended!

by K Thomas ***** 5 stars

This is a great read. For anyone who wouldn’t have the time to read through so much literature on religion, this is a book where the author has done all that for you and left you as the reader to come to your own conclusions. Very well done and humorous too!

by Paul ***** 5 stars

A perfect read for people interested in religious issues but who cannot find the time to read the multitude of books in the bible and surmount their archaic language - the author has done the deep dive for you! What makes this book especially appealing is that Cronin has done this deep dive with a light touch. Plenty of humour is mixed in with the analysis so the book is entertaining, along with being informative. The book will be illuminating for those who approach the bible from a fundamentalist view. Presented in an easily digestible format, the book should be required reading for anybody who treats the book as the literal word of God. Thought-provoking and scholarly on one level, this is also a fun read with the author inserting colourful memories of his Irish upbringing to enliven what might be dry reading in the hands of another writer. Definitely recommended reading it!

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