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As Easter approaches what a time to review Reflections of a Catholic Altar Boy after reading I begin to wonder if my three sons' names Samuel, Joshua, and Jacob require closer scrutiny! Very definitely a challenging time and a book that hopefully will open up some serious debate about the nature and existence of God and his son Jesus. At the very least it should lead readers to challenge their own belief systems. This is because of the detailed research that has been carried out by the author. At the conclusion of the section of the New Testament, the Postscript is very powerful as is the Introduction because it is a personal account of the author's journey to atheism having come from a very strong Catholic background in Ireland where until the last few years the faith was all-encompassing to the Irish population. Generally, we did not begin to question our faith until we left home and ventured out into the world. The author's humanities background at the university level and teaching English at the secondary school level are valuable assets enabling the writer to use his literary skills fully especially when discussing the various scribes writing in the Old Testament and how a number of them were very skilled as writers whilst others left a great deal to be desired. The layout using the actual format of the Bible itself in two columns is most apt. The research that Mr. Cronin has conducted over many years certainly pays dividends and I noted the acknowledgment of many other authors on this vexed question of whether is God real or a man-made deity who is actually not very human at all! I hope that this book will become required reading for university Theology undergraduates and postgraduates as well as secondary school students studying Comparative Religions.

Mark Longstaff - 4 Stars

The author having examined the Bible similar to a juror would examine evidence in a trial.His attention to detail leaves the reader confident that his findings are well researched and accurate.His concludes that we have been misled by the Holy Book.I congratulate Mr Cronin for a job well done and a stimulating read

Sean Harte - 5 Stars

My instincts told me that what we were told growing up in Catholic school was mostly lies and wishful thinking. Now I know for sure I was right having read this book carefully.

S Patrick - 5 Stars

Many of us grew up in Catholic schools being told about what's in the Bible by well-meaning nuns, priests, and brothers. Who would have thought they omitted so much and told us so many untruths? They mustn't have read the Bible themselves. It's all there in plain view and, as this book demonstrates, their stories fall apart when looked at closely.

Elizabeth Brown - 5 stars

At first I didn't think this book was for me. Now I'm thankful that I read it carefully. It has changed my outlook on life in general but on all man-made religion in particular. I feel I am better equipped now for the reality ahead.

Fiona G - 5 Stars

If religion is all about power, influence and control over people's lives as this book states, then we have all been misled by this "Holy Book" for a very long time.

Graham Anderson - 5 Stars

Some books help you live life a little better. This is one of those books. Highly recommended.

Anthony D. - 5 Stars

I wonder if the author is wryly amused by the irony of his writing a non-fiction treatise to demonstrate that a book, which, as many vehemently affirm, is the truth and is perfect because it is the word of god, is in the author’s assessment, in reality, a very flawed work of fiction. This is a very personal and subjective journey for the author. One where the author takes you into his confidence in the expectation that you will agree with his acerbic and at times sarcastic laying bare the legion of flaws, contradictions, and discrepancies contained within. To this end he uses rhetorical questions posed as statements such that you are trapped into agreeing with him, nodding your head sagely. And in this way, J.A. Cronin brings you to an objectively drawn interpretation of your own from his subjective exploration of the book. And he does it with such aplomb. Atheists will be receptive to the author’s analysis. People who believe the bible offers them guidance on how a good life should be led will be shaken. But, if they read the bible as a metaphor they will pick and choose only those parts that support their worldview. If they read J.A. Cronin’s analysis with an intelligent open mind then they too might question the basis of their beliefs. Those who read the bible literally will be flummoxed at the clear exposition of its contradictions. I could not hazard a guess as to how they might react to J.A. Cronin’s analysis as I have never been able to understand how anyone could read the bible literally in any event. A complete embrace of credulity and dispensation of intellect I guess. Can one be a good Christian without the bible? Yes. One can lead a good life irrespective of what one’s view of the bible is. But it is also possible to lead a very bad life using the bible to justify one’s actions. Both sides in the American Civil War used different parts of the bible to prove god was on their side. If J.A. Cronin’s reflections were read by all then relying on the bible to support odious decisions would be much rarer.

Thomas William Cowen BA BSc LLB (Hons) MES. - 5 Stars

If you only read one book in your life, make it this one. The author J.A. Cronin takes you on a journey of discovery which should help you live a better life free of the lies and hypocrisy that religion promotes.

Sally M - 5 Stars

A friend recommended this book to me and explained what the Author reveals. I hesitated initially as I wasn't sure if I was ready to cope with having my Catholic upbringing shattered. Having now read the book I am shattered at what it reveals through the Authors pains taking analysis and how he presents his findings. VERY IMPRESSIVE and enlightening to say the least. I am annoyed at myself for having been so gullible all those years. This book is well worth reading provided the reader is prepared to come to terms with its content........I'm so glad I did have the courage.

Marian Lordan - 4 Stars

The title of this newly published book caught my attention having been an altar boy myself for a number of years in my youth. To say I was shocked by what I read is an understatement. I certainly wasn’t expecting the enormity of what the author reveals in such an understandable and believable presentation. I liked the author’s analogy of examining the Bible like a jury would in a trial making decisions based entirely and solely on the evidence presented. The author has done that very competently and I for one have no doubt now that what is revealed and exposed and the conclusions reached in this book are based solely on the evidence found in this so-called holy book. One of my first reactions having read the book was that the Pope and the Catholic hierarchy should be sent copies. I wonder if they ever thought of carrying out such an analysis of the Bible content or, if in fact they had ever read the Bible from cover to cover in the first place. I think I know the answer. Surely they would have come to the same conclusions as this writer if they had. Like the author, I was brought up in Ireland in a staunchly Catholic family that obeyed the Catholic teachings as dictated to us by the clergy and our school teachers. We never actually read the Bible nor were we encouraged to do so during all the years of our catholic upbringing. But that now seems understandable because if we did read it in any detail we too would have come to similar conclusions as this book does. I have now started encouraging my friends (mainly disengaged Catholics) to read this book and would encourage others to do so as well - to set the record straight once and for all. Congratulations J.A. Cronin. I am extremely grateful for your efforts and for finally putting my mind at ease. Well done.

Pat Lordan - 5 Stars

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