was totally enthralled with the methodical and logical de-bunking of (the Bible) chapter after chapter.

Sadly, the generational indoctrination of people of ALL religions has – as you have stated – caused so much death, destruction, pain and alienation over thousands of years.

I can now understand why my own early religious instruction glossed over the absolute hypocrisy of the Old Testament and ‘cherry-picked’ verses and chapters that propped up the shaky and improbable fairy tales that we were led to believe were true.

No doubt like you, and hundreds of millions of other impressionable young children, I was sent to Sunday School for several years but soon discovered my teachers didn’t have the answers to the simplest of questions.

My Sunday School teachers had no explanation for these stories, but relied on ‘faith’ being the only reason to believe – and I must not believe otherwise or I would burn in the fires of Hell for eternity.

I also enjoyed your own humorous comments sprinkled throughout and agree with every word of your ‘Postscript’ chapter.”

Mr. Ian Ridgway – author of the  Red Cedar – Red Gold  trilogy


“The first thing I can say is that I like that you give details of your personal experiences, both in the introduction and the conclusion. Not only does it make for better reading, but it also makes what you have to say more relevant.

I like how you go through book by book, from Genesis to Revelation. You provide a good overall analysis of the themes presented in each book of the Bible and point out a lot of important moral, social, and scientific nonsense. It reads like a secular/skeptical commentary, which is a very “user-friendly” approach. I also think it is great how you present a “nugget” idea in the square centre of the page, it makes for a good presentation.

One thing you emphasise that also shocked me when I first started doing this kind of critical analysis is the fact that the Old Testament really says nothing about an afterlife whatsoever, neither heaven nor hell. To me, that was an enormous red flag.

It’s not too advanced so as to be exclusively directed only for scholars, but it’s not too superficial either. It’s obvious you spent a lot of time and thought on this. You should definitely be proud of it.

Good luck and I wish you the best.”


Dr. Jonah Conner – author of  All That’s Wrong with the Bible – Contradictions, Absurdities, and More

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